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Monday, October 10, 2022

Alaska Feds working on new plan for contentious Cook Inlet fishery KBBI by Sabine Poux, KDLL - October 7, 2022 A federal council voted to close a large swath of Cook Inlet to commercial salmon fishing in 2020. That decision was overturned earlier this year. Months after first sighting, Metlakatla is now catching dozens of invasive green crabs a day KRBD by Raegan Miller - October 5, 2022 Wildlife officials in Metlakatla continue to trap record-setting numbers of the invasive crab species that threaten local subsistence food sources and fish habitat. The tribe’s Department of Fish and Wildlife has trapped hundreds of European green crabs — but the numbers keep growing. National How the U.S. fixed most of its overfishing problem Watch the video above to learn more about the U.S. fishing industry, market forces at play, the difference between overfishing and overfished, the rise of underfishing, the role of climate and crime in global supply chains of seafood and what solutions may be on the table. CNBC by Andrea Miller, Alex Wood, Jason Reginato, Lindsey Jacobson - October 5, 2022 The wildly diverse fishing industry may be the only food product that relies on the cycles of nature. National Sea Grant Eyeing Applicants for Young Fishermen’s Career Development Projects Urner Barry by Ryan Doyle - October 7, 2022 The National Sea Grant Office (NSGO) expects between $1 million and $2 million of funds will be available for the Young Fishermen’s Career Development Projects. Specifically, the NSGO believes that funding will support approximately 2-5 awards in order to develop and execute local, regional, and national programs, workshops, and services to enable fishermen to enter career paths and make a living supplying seafood from our oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes. The NSGO said awards will be made for no more than $400,000 in federal funds per project, and maybe for one or two years, though for no more than $200,000/year. Applications will require 25% non-federal match as well. The NSGO said the following will be eligible to receive a grant under the program: “a recipient shall be a collaborative State, Tribal, local, or regionally based network or partnership of public or private entities, which may include— (A) a Sea Grant Institution; (B) a Federal or State agency or a Tribal organization; (C) a community-based nongovernmental organization; (D) fishermen’s cooperatives or associations; (E) an institution of higher education (including an institution awarding an associate’s degree), or a foundation maintained by an institution of higher education; or (F) any other appropriate entity.” Projects may benefit from engaging with the planning frameworks developed by Sea Grant programs in FY21-23. More information can be found here. Letters of Intent Due: December 1, 2022 and Full Proposals Due: February 15, 2023 Read the formal announcement on NOAA-OAR-SG-2023-2007535. Labeling and Marketing 3MMI - Halibut: Good Harvest, Elusive Demand, Steady Pricing TradexFoods - October 10, 2022 Good Harvest, Elusive Demand, and Steady Pricing can essentially sum up the Halibut market right now. Single frozen Alaskan Halibut H&G and Fletches are currently available in significant quantities. On the harvest side, 21.5 million pounds of Pacific Halibut have been harvested since the start of the season in March. FYI’s Gray whale population off western U.S. continues to decline, researchers say Anchorage Daily News by Gene Johnson, Associated Press - October 7, 2022 SEATTLE — U.S. researchers say the number of gray whales off western North America has continued to fall over the last two years, a decline that resembles previous population swings over the past several decades. Pacific Seafood Processors Association 1900 W Emerson Place Suite 205, Seattle, WA 98119 Phone: 206.281.1667 E-mail:; Website: Our office days/hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. *Inclusion of a news article, report, or other document in this email does not imply PSPA support or endorsement of the information or opinion expressed in the document.


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