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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Alaska/Pacific Coast

Alaska Fisheries Report – March 19, 2020 KMXT by Maggie Wall - March 23, 2020 The Alaska Legislature is working on the state’s budget which begins on July 1. No surprise that there are a lot of cuts planned. One thing on the chopping block is state funded PSP tests for commercial shellfish. Shellfish farmers and divers fear they will be put out of business if they are forced to pay for testing. We look at the costs of keeping up with the testing requirements. National U.S. Commercial Fishing Interests Describe COVID-19 Challenges; List Top Federal Aid Assistance Proposals Saving Seafood by National Coalition for Fishing Communities - March 24, 2020 WASHINGTON — The following was released by Saving Seafood’s National Coalition for Fishing Communities: Late last week, Saving Seafood staff was asked by Congressional offices for comment and input from the Commercial Fishing Industry as to what is being experienced as a result of the disruption resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, and how Federal emergency economic assistance might be able to assist. International COVID-19: Virus leads to surge of local food, seed sales Vancouver Sun by Glenda Luymes - March 21, 2020 There was a long, well-spaced lineup at the Riley Park farmers market in Vancouver on Saturday as people stocked up on local food. The winter markets are taking it “week by week,” modifying protocols at the advice of health authorities while still allowing people to purchase B.C.-grown food, said Laura Smit, interim executive director of the Vancouver Farmers Markets. Environment/Science Understanding Ocean Changes and Climate Just Got Harder NOAA Fisheries - March 23, 2020 A new study shows that two important indicators for understanding and predicting the effects of climate variability on eastern North Pacific marine ecosystems are less reliable than they were historically. This finding has important implications for fisheries and ecosystem management from Alaska to California. FYI’s New dates under consideration for postponed Seafood Expo Global Seafood Source by Cliff White - March 18, 2020 Diversified Communications, the organizer of Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global, is considering 23 to 25 June, 2020, as the new dates for the seafood exhibition, which had been scheduled for 21 to 23 April. vd3l2dnNVNnJXWEdKZkpqZzZobGRHM3ZZU1pvc1wvNFh5eGJQdU40c3pHNGtcL0JVTlVKalwvYkpuU1MzaWNJZHJYM2hkV1VjXC94eU9EVFlsOVY4eFd6WG8xRjFRblwvNnNTbEhVVGhXVlF6RU50R3ZaejdyNyJ9 Seafood restaurants start “National Takeout Day” to boost sales during pandemic Seafood Source by Christine Blank - March 24, 2020 A coalition of restaurants across the United States is urging consumers to sustain the foodservice industry during the COVID-19 pandemic by taking part in “The Great American Takeout” on Tuesday, 24 March. DlMMVhyRDBtUlVqWDRETVVyNDZxc3dJU2wrMmhwQTRcLzhzRTMyYnB3bmVSSFdSM EhsVjA2NlR5NkdUbk81bzhJXC8zSkF1M2NCN1wvcEZJb2J4XC91ZlVySXVDRXpWckpaQ TFDdFFmbFlxdkloS1gifQ%3D%3D

Pacific Seafood Processors Association 1900 W Emerson Place Suite 205, Seattle, WA 98119 Phone: 206.281.1667 E-mail:; Website: Our office days/hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. *Inclusion of a news article, report, or other document in this email does not imply PSPA support or endorsement of the information or opinion expressed in the document.

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