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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Alaska/Pacific Coast

Booming northern orcas devouring chinook salmon that sustain southern resident killer whales Northern resident killer whales and Alaska residents are getting first crack at the best chinooks Vancouver Sun by Randy Shore - December 16, 2019 Killer whales native to the waters of northern B.C. and Alaska are selectively eating millions of large, nutritious chinook salmon long before the fish make their way to the feeding grounds frequented by our dwindling southern resident killer whales, according to new research. North Pacific Council December Newsletter NPFMC - December 2019 Advisory Panel, SSC, Plan Teams, Committees, Status of stocks and specification of OFL, ABC, and TAC, Species-specific Risk Tables Politics House passes bill to improve data collection Cordova Times - December 16, 2019 The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday, Dec. 10, passed the Integrated Coastal Ocean Observing System Act, aimed at improving data collection and information sharing between federal agencies and coastal observation partners. International 2025 global salmon growth forecasts overestimated, new paper argues SeafoodSource by Nicki Holmyard - December 17, 2019 Global salmon growth forecasts to 2025 could be overestimated by 6 to 8 percent, according to a new briefing paper from financial think tank Planet Tracker. The culprit is global warming, the paper argues. Federal Register Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fisheries Off West Coast States; Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; Pacific Whiting; Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan; Amendment 21-4; Catch Share Program, 5-Year Review, Follow-On Actions A Rule by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on 12/17/2019 This rule implements changes to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program identified during the Catch Share Program 5-Year Review. This action is intended to modify outdated regulations, complete outstanding program elements, and respond to problems identified following implementation of the Catch Share Program. This action revises regulations consistent with Amendment 21-4 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan, and revises elements in four areas of the Catch Share Program. FYI’s NOAA, Trident executives join SNP board of directors Seafood Source by Christine Blank - December 16, 2019 The Seafood Nutrition Partnership (SNP) appointed NOAA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Operations Paul Doremus and Trident Seafood Vice President of National Accounts Christine Garvey as new members of its board of directors. Alaska Young Fishermen’s Almanac #2 Available Now SeafoodNews by Laine Welch - December 18, 2019 This is Alaska Fish Radio. I’m Laine Welch -- Give a glimpse of the fishing life! More on Alaska Young Fishermen’s Almanac number 2 after this -- Want to make energy efficiency improvements on your boat? Check out the Fishing Vessel Energy Analysis Tool online at IMS is offering special discounts on Refrigerated Seawater Systems through the end of the year. Integrated Marine Systems. Simple, reliable, built to last. Visit Personal glimpses that chronicle the fishing life make up the Alaska Young Fishermen’s Almanac and volume 2 is available now. The 124 page book contains 50 submissions from all across Alaska. “The almanac serves as a cultural touchstone for a community that not a lot of people outside of that community can find a window into. So for people who fish it’s a really great community builder. People who don’t participate can get a window into this livelihood and why it’s important and worth preserving.” Jamie O’Connor is a fisherman who heads the working waterfront and young fishermen’s programs for the Alaska Marine Conservation Council. The first Alamac last year was so popular it covered the costs for volume 2 and it may go to a second printing. O’Connor says each is very different and has its own tone. “Last time there were some really cool photos and lots of them and this time we still got great photos but a lot more original art and written pieces which is really exciting.” It also includes recipes, a fishermen’s simple yoga sequence and multi-generational family musings. My co-worker Theresa Peterson of Kodiak put together a story about her entry into fisheries and her fishing livelihood and then her son Charlie also submitted a companion piece. So you’ve got the family mother/son angle on what these fishing livelihoods can be and feel like to people which is really beautiful.” The Almanac is modeled after a publication for farmers that dates back to 1792. O’Connor says reactions by sellers in book and gift stores has been very enthusiastic. “I took it into several businesses in Homer where I’m based for the winter and shopkeepers asked if I had them in my car and could they get 20. And I said yes, of course you can! It’s really lovely to see the response especially in our Alaska coastal communities.” Along with local stores and at community events, the Alaska Young Fishermen’s Almanac also can be ordered online at via a link to the Salmon Sisters website. “We don’t have the distribution infrastructure to support online sales through AMCC.14 O’Connor says plans already are underway to gather submissions for Almanac’s number three and four. Find links at and on Facebook and Twitter. Fish Radio is also brought to you by Ocean Beauty Seafoods - who salutes and says thanks to the men and women fishing across Alaska for their hard work and dedication. ( In Kodiak, I’m Laine Welch.

Ann Owens Pacific Seafood Processors Association Office Manager 1900 W Emerson Place Suite 205, Seattle, WA 98119 Phone: 206.281.1667 E-mail:; Website: Our office days/hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. *Inclusion of a news article, report, or other document in this email does not imply PSPA support or endorsement of the information or opinion expressed in the document.


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