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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Updated: Jul 7, 2021

Alaska Bristol Bay fisherman wants to know what you think about the Dillingham harbor KDLG by Stephanie Maltarich - July 2, 2021 This summer, an Alaska Sea Grant Fellow is creating a survey project to address concern over pollution and waste in small harbors. The project will focus on the Kenia Peninsula and here in Dillingham -- where the fellow also works as a commercial fisherman. BBRSDA Waypoints KDLG by Andy Wink - July 2, 2021 The second episode of Waypoints Radio focuses on the evolution of fish quality in Bristol Bay and explores the quality-oriented activities BBRSDA is funding this season. BBRSDA’s Frances Bursch and Andy Wink are joined by Chuck Anderson, a long-time retail buyer of Bristol Bay sockeye who is now the Vice President for Seafood Analytics, a company that has developed exciting new technology to quantify seafood quality Area 2A Halibut Fishermen Get Another Opener the First Week of July by Susan Chambers - July 1, 2021 Halibut fishermen in Washington, Oregon and California better get those baited tubs ready for next week: The can try again to catch the remaining allocation at a second three-day opener, according to the International Pacific Halibut Commission. Dungeness catch down from 2020 but price is up KFSK by Joe Viechnicki - July 1, 2021 Commercial Dungeness crabbers will have a full two-month summer and two-month fall season in most of the region, based on the first week’s catch. The 2021 Southeast season isn’t off to as strong a start as last year. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game reports the preliminary catch estimate from the first week is around 711,000 pounds, landed by 163 permit holders. Those numbers are expected to increase as more landings are reported. Nevertheless, that’s under half of the bumper crop harvested in 2020. Last year saw a first-week catch of around 1.5 million pounds and the full season harvest went on to be the second highest on record, 6.7 million pounds. Sockeye season in Bristol Bay, Alaska picks up amidst strong market Seafood Source by Brian Hagenbuch - July 5, 2021 Bristol Bay, Alaska is off to a strong start in what is expected to be another season hovering around all-time highs for both catch and value in the world’s largest sockeye salmon fishery. Fish were already pouring in to at least two of Bristol Bay’s four major river systems, with the run total sitting at eight million sockeye salmon on a preseason prediction of over 50 million sockeye. Fleets had harvested four million fish as of 30 June, according to Alaska’s KDLG, still far from the predicted harvest of around 37 million fish. West Coast Pacific blackcod: Smaller fish mean lower prices, but good future National Fisherman by Charlie Ess - July 4, 2021 The West Coast blackcod fleet began working on a catch limit of 8,791 metric tons for this year. That’s up from the 7,705 metric tons of last year. As in Alaska, the younger, smaller fish that have predominated the harvest are selling for cheaper prices in end markets. National Alaska pollock: Alaska product now 86 percent of U.S. consumption National Fisherman by Charlie Ess - July 4, 2021 The Bering Sea TAC for pollock has been ratcheted back to 1.375 million metric tons — that’s down from last year’s 1.425 million and close to what it was set at in 2019. In the Aleutian Islands harvest area, the quota has been set at 19,000 metric tons, unchanged from last year. For the Gulf of Alaska waters, the TAC fell from the 115,930 metric tons to 113,227 metric tons for 2021. International Russia May Face Decline of Crab Catch This Year by Eugene Gerden - July 1, 2021 Russia may face a shortage of some crab species this year due to the recent ban on the catch of blue and king crab in the Sea of Japan. Several days ago, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture officially imposed a ban on the catch of both crab species in the Primorye subarea until the end of 2022. The main reason for this was a significant intensification of poaching activities in the region, which posed a threat to the existing crab stocks. Alexey Slizkin, head of the commercial crustacean sector of the Pacific branch of VNIRO Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, one of Russia’s leading research institutions in the field of fisheries, said in an interview with the Russian Vesti Primorye TV channel that there is currently a clear indication about the reduction of crab reserves in some areas of the Russian Far East. The biggest concerns are associated with the stocks of Kamchatka and blue crab, which are drastically undermined. In fact, the ban on crab catch in order to restore its population was already introduced in the Primorye subarea in the early 2000s for the period of 10 years. However, the resumption of production led to the intensification of illegal crab catch, which resulted in the decline of populations of both king and blue crab populations below 2000s levels. Still, as part of state plans, the introduction of the latest ban may improve the current situation, while, according to analysts’ expectations, the recovery of crab population may take up to 5-7 years. Pacific Seafood Processors Association 1900 W Emerson Place Suite 205, Seattle, WA 98119 Phone: 206.281.1667 E-mail:; Website: Our office days/hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. *Inclusion of a news article, report, or other document in this email does not imply PSPA support or endorsement of the information or opinion expressed in the document.


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