Alaska Metlakatla residents and partners trying to eject invasive crabs from their first Alaska beachhead KTOO by Yereth Rosen - September 8, 2022 When Natalie Bennett was walking surveying a beach on Annette Island as part of a team trying to defend Southeast Alaska from marine invaders, she made a major but ominous discovery: the state’s first documented shell of an invasive European green crab. Alaska Fisheries Report September 8, 2022 KMXT - September 8, 2022 This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: KDLL’s Sabine Poux reports on mapping Alaska streams, and that Alaska mariculture will be getting a 49 million dollar federal boost. Julie Decker explains mariculture initiatives in Alaska emphasizing sustainable efforts Seafood Source by Bhavana Scalia-Bruce - September 8, 2022 The Alaska Mariculture Initiative, launched under the Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation (AFDF), is continuing to carve a path for the industry in the state, according to AFDF Executive Director Julie Decker. FYI’s Coast Guard Cutter Douglas Denman arrives in SE Alaska Cordova Times - September 8, 2022 A new Coast Guard vessel, the Cutter Douglas Denman, arrived at its temporary homeport in Ketchikan in mid-August. Responsible Offshore Development Alliance Expanding West Coast Efforts Through Latest Hire Urner Barry by Ryan Doyle - September 7, 2022 The Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA) will expand its west coast engagement through the latest hire of Mike Conroy as full-time coordinator. Conroy enters his role at RODA following a stint as Executive Director of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA). PCFFA is the largest organization of fishermen on the west coast, according to RODA. “I am very much looking forward to joining the talented group of folks at RODA as we continue to speak for and with America’s seafood harvesters, processors, dependent fishing communities and all those who consume sustainable, healthy, domestically sourced protein.” Conroy has spent years on the water aboard commercial and charter fishing vessels. He also is an attorney in California whose practice focused on small businesses, fisheries management and policy, and administrative processes. He is also the Vice Chair of the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel and Co-Chair of the Marine Planning Committee. “We are excited to bring Mike aboard. We strongly believe his knowledge and experience will help RODA increase our activities on the west coast and federally, creating better representation for fishermen and their communities. The overwhelming show of support from across the seafood industry for expanding our coalition underscores the importance of our mission, to coordinate science and policy approaches to offshore development that minimize conflicts with existing traditional and historical fishing,” said Annie Hawkins, RODA’s Executive Director. RODA said Conroy has been involved in the offshore wind sector since three Call Areas were identified off California at the end of 2018. Conroy has also been working on establishing Aquaculture Opportunity Areas within the Southern California Bight alongside NOAA. The move to add a full-time member on the west coast makes sense for RODA as multiple states in the region are making pushes in offshore wind development. SeafoodNews’ Susan Chambers recently wrote about California’s push to grow its offshore wind industry in the coming years. The California Energy Commission last week released its plan with goals of 5 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030 and 25 GW by 2045 - enough electricity to power 3.75 million homes and 25 million homes, respectively. Further, it would mean roughly 2,000 turbines in the ocean off California, creating more closed areas for commercial fishermen and potential unknown effects to the ocean environment, Chambers wrote. NFI President John Connelly to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award at GOAL 2022 Urner Barry by Ryan Doyle - September 7, 2022 National Fisheries Institute (NFI) president John Connelly will receive the Wallace R. Stevens Lifetime Achievement Award on stage at the Global Seafood Alliance (GSA)’s GOAL 2022 conference in Seattle on October 4. The award recognizes leadership, integrity and commitment to responsibility. Since 2003, Connelly has been leading the NFI seafood trade association. He has represented members along the seafood supply chain on Capitol Hill on topics that range from public policy to nutrition. “For about a third of my life I have enjoyed the privilege of working with and for NFI members. It is humbling that GSA would recognize, through me, the efforts of the NFI leaders who sought to improve how fish are caught or farmed, to ensure their products are processed with integrity and safely, and to market their seafood with an increased focus on how American and other families want to enjoy their dishes,” said Connelly. Alongside his time leading NFI, Connelly has served on numerous boards including the International Coalition of Fisheries Associations, Marine Stewardship Council, Allfish (a public-private partnership with the World Bank), International Seafood Sustainability Foundation, U.S. Department of Commerce Marine Fisheries Advisory Council, Seafood Industry Research Fund, University of Florida Institute for Sustainable Food Systems Global Leaders Aquatic Advisory Board, The Alliance For a Stronger FDA, and FISH (Fairness, Integrity, Safety and Health) Standard for Crew. “Twenty years ago when we searched for the next president of NFI, one candidate, John Connelly, stood out, and he was easily our recommendation to the full NFI board as Richard Gutting’s successor,” said GSA Chair Wally Stevens, who served as NFI’s chair in 2001. “Little did we know at that time of the impact John would have on NFI and the entire U.S. seafood industry. However, maybe John’s greatest impact was on each of us as an example of what leadership is all about. While John may leave the NFI stage he will hopefully continue to influence our industry through teaching and public speaking.” Before his time at NFI, Connelly served as the Vice President of the American Chemistry Council. He was also a U.S. Naval officer and retired as a Navy captain with a specialization in political-military affairs. As SeafoodNews covered in January, Connelly announced that he plans to retire in 2023 ahead of his 20-year anniversary with NFI. “With GOAL being held in the United States for the first time in 13 years this year it was only fitting to recognize one of the most influential individuals in the U.S. seafood industry over the past 20 years. Through his leadership and integrity, John has made quite a mark on our sector, and we look forward to honoring him in Seattle on Oct. 4," added GSA CEO Brian Perkins, Connelly will be the first recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award in three years, when John Galiher, founder and CEO of Preferred Freezer Services, and Brahmanandam Potru, founder and CEO of Devi Seafoods Ltd., were recognized at GOAL 2019 in Chennai, India. GSA shared that past recipients include I. Chiu Liao, Chingchai Lohawatanakul, Nguyen Dzung, Li Sifa, Ken Morrison, George Williams, Peder Jacobson, Bjorn Myrseth, Don Lightner, Bill Herzig and Wally Stevens. The award was renamed the Wallace R. Stevens Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018. Pacific Seafood Processors Association 1900 W Emerson Place Suite 205, Seattle, WA 98119 Phone: 206.281.1667 E-mail:; Website: Our office days/hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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