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Monday, June 27, 2022

Alaska Copper River reds holding their own in retail prices Cordova Times by Margaret Bauman - June 24, 2022 Copper River red salmon continued to hold their own in retail prices in mid-June as the Copper River District continued to deliver robust catches to processors and more commercial salmon harvesters in the Alaska Peninsula, the Kodiak area and Cook Inlet added deliveries of thousands of fish. Alaska Salmon Landings on Track Timewise, Except Chinook and Chum — Much Lower on Average by Peggy Parker - June 24, 2022 Alaska salmon landings by the end of last week (statistical week 25 or June 18, 2022) for sockeye and pink salmon were on par with historical averages across the state, but Chinook showed no increase in the last week, compared to a rise last year at that time and an even higher increase during statistical week (SW) 25 over the five-year average. Chum landings were a little higher than last year at this time, but still lower than the five-year-average by SW25. The pace has picked up, however: the cumulative harvest this year of more than 4.6 million salmon is about 5% more than year-to-date 2021 (2020 for pinks), although still behind the five-year average to-date. After a slow start to the season, the Alaska Peninsula sockeye harvest picked up last week. In this region, about 2.4 million sockeye salmon have now been caught, up 16% from 2021 to-date. The pink and keta harvests are below year-to-date totals in the region. Prince William Sound harvests of sockeye and keta salmon are more than twice 2021 year-to-date harvests, although still low by historical standards. Next week will likely be the first harvest update that includes salmon caught in Bristol Bay, noted the latest Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute’s 2022 Weekly Alaska Salmon Harvest Update. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game preseason forecast this year predicted a sockeye harvest of nearly 60 million sockeye in Bristol Bay, more than 80% of the state sockeye forecast. The bulk of the Bristol Bay harvest usually occurs in early July. The current statewide total of salmon landed is 6.7 million fish, made up of 4.4 million sockeye, 1.4 million chum, 870,000 pinks, and 55,000 Chinook. Those totals reflect a 2 million fish increase from June 18, with data up to Wednesday this week in most areas. Landings will show a marked increase from now on until salmon runs peak in Bristol Bay for sockeye, Prince William Sound for pink salmon, and the South Peninsula for pink and chum salmon. Cohos will not be returning to the fishing grounds in large numbers until late summer, early fall. Most of the chum catch has been landed in Prince William Sound and most of the pink catch so far this year has been from the Southern Peninsula region. Environment/Science Warm temperatures in the Gulf of Alaska cause concern for toxic algal blooms KMXT by Kirsten Dobroth - June 24, 2022 State health officials and researchers are urging Gulf of Alaska subsistence harvesters to get their shellfish tested to prevent paralytic shellfish poisoning. Shellfish sold in restaurants and stores are subject to their own regulatory testing. Labeling and Marketing 3MMI - Get Ready for Sockeye; Expect Low Avg Weights this Season TradexFoods - June 27, 2022 "We stand on the edge of what may be the largest Bristol Bay salmon run in history". Using a mix of Dynamic Models, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning, a 71 million Sockeye run was predicted with a base harvest likely to come in between 40-50 million fish. Forecast called for 53 percent 3.75-4.5LB and 47 percent 5.5-7.5LB Whole Round Sockeye. Current status of test fish result in a 2-3.5LB and 3.75-4.5LB category. Pacific Seafood Processors Association 1900 W Emerson Place Suite 205, Seattle, WA 98119 Phone: 206.281.1667 E-mail:; Website: Our office days/hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. *Inclusion of a news article, report, or other document in this email does not imply PSPA support or endorsement of the information or opinion expressed in the document.


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