Cook Inlet salmon catches lagging, limited by Kenai king run
Alaska Journal of Commerce by Elizabeth Earl - July 14, 2021
Commercial salmon catches are still lagging in the Central part of the state, but the Western coasts are pulling the overall numbers up with some recordbreaking landings.
Fish and Game issues emergency commercial opening
Peninsula Clarion by Camille Botello - July 13, 2021
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game released an emergency order announcement opening commercial-use set and drift gillnet fishing on the Upper Cook Inlet for Wednesday.
Fish Out of Water: How Capture Affects Sablefish Health, Reflexes, and Survival
New insight on mortality of sablefish returned to sea will inform sustainable management of a valuable Alaska fishery adapting to change.
NOAA Fisheries - July 13, 2021
Sablefish is a high-quality, deepwater fish that supports a valuable Alaska fishery. The fishery has seen dramatic changes in recent years. The highest abundance of young sablefish in decades arrived with warming temperatures. At the same time, a rapidly-growing pot fishery has emerged alongside traditional hook-and-line fishing in the Gulf of Alaska. A new study shows that, with careful handling, they are able to withstand the stresses of capture on hook-and-line gear—but their.reflexes could be impaired.
West Coast
CDFW Successfully Relocates 1.1 Million Hatchery Salmon Until Klamath River Drought Conditions Improve
CDFW - July 13, 2021
Due to drought and poor water conditions in the Klamath River, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) successfully relocated 1.1 million juvenile, fall-run Chinook salmon from its Iron Gate Fish Hatchery in Siskiyou County. The fish were trucked to a nearby satellite facility and to the Trinity River Hatchery 122 miles away where the fish will remain until conditions in the Klamath River improve.
IPHC Sets Third Opener for Commercial Halibut in Area 2A by Susan Chambers - July 15, 2021
Is the third time a charm? Halibut fishermen in Washington, Oregon and California will find out next week.
So far, a little more than half the total allocation for the Area 2A allocation of 116.7 metric tons, or 256,122 pounds, has been caught. The International Pacific Halibut Commission said 52 mt, 115,000 pounds, remain for the next opener.
The IPHC set the third commercial halibut opener for Tuesday, July 20, to Thursday, July 22. As usual, it will begin at 8 a.m. on July 20 and end at 6 p.m. on July 22. The fishery is restricted to waters south of Point Chehalis, Wash., 46°53.30’ N. latitude.
The IPHC has determined that a third fishing period on 20 to 22 July 2021 is feasible with fishing period limits by vessel class listed below. The following fishing limits will be in effect for this fishing period by vessel class; they are the same as they were for the first two openers:
Vessel Class A, 1-25 feet, 2,263 pounds (16 licenses issued)
Vessel Class B, 26-30 feet, 2,263 pounds (11 licenses)
Vessel Class C: 31-35 feet, 2,263 pounds (18 licenses)
Vessel Class D: 36-40 feet, 3,410 pounds (36 licenses)
Vessel Class E: 41-45 feet, 3,410 pounds (29 licenses)
Vessel Class F: 46-50 feet, 4,545 pounds (31 licenses)
Vessel Class G: 51-55 feet, 4,545 pounds (10 licenses)
Vessel Class H: 56+ feet, 5,113 pounds (25 licenses)
The fishing period limit applies to the vessel, not the individual fisherman, and any landings over the vessel limit will be subject to forfeiture and fine, the IPHC said in a press release.
The fishing limit is a dressed, head-on weight, and stakeholders are reminded that regulations require that all Pacific halibut be landed with the head naturally attached. Additionally, fishermen are reminded of the 72-hour rule, whereby a vessel that will be used in this fishery may not be used to fish for any species of fish anywhere in IPHC Regulatory Area 2A during the 72-hour period immediately prior to this fishing period unless all retained catch of other species has been completely offloaded or the vessel has submitted to a hold inspection by an authorized officer prior to the start of the opener.
The IPHC may establish and announce fishing limits for subsequent fishing periods in 2021, dependent upon allocation remaining for the fishery.
Federal Register
Fisheries Off West Coast States; Modification of the West Coast Commercial Salmon Fisheries; Inseason Action #18
A Rule by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on 07/15/2021
NMFS announces an inseason action in the 2021 ocean salmon fisheries. This inseason action modifies the commercial salmon fisheries in the area south of Cape Falcon in the Oregon Klamath Management Zone (KMZ) from Humbug Mountain to the Oregon/California border.
Pacific Seafood Processors Association 1900 W Emerson Place Suite 205, Seattle, WA 98119 Phone: 206.281.1667 E-mail:; Website: Our office days/hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. *Inclusion of a news article, report, or other document in this email does not imply PSPA support or endorsement of the information or opinion expressed in the document.